Rare Pictures !!!!! Check it out... KID ALERT!

Sometimes it feels like it!!!!! What is really bad... remember that thread about girls having girl moments? Well, I have 5 of em around me and they are all on the same wavelength now. 3rd week of the month I
otherwise they will kill me.

Some comedian did a funny bit on how girls sync up I think it was Dane Cook (Sp?). I think it is a very old survival instinct that we have retained back from the cave men/women days. If you think about it if all the women are unable to get pregnant and are most fertile at the same times they are less likely to have their mate impregnate someone else and therefore be more likely to keep the best genes to themselves. By the same token if there was only one man and several women he could be hunting out in the wildness for the week they all had Aunt Flow and then upon return everyone would be fertile with in the same few days as well making it easier to be around and not hunting and gathering during those few days a month. This works if their is a village and all of the men hunt at the same time. It also makes it less likely to have to village pillaged and all the women impregnated at the same time by the "enemy"
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Sometimes it feels like it!!!!! What is really bad... remember that thread about girls having girl moments? Well, I have 5 of em around me and they are all on the same wavelength now. 3rd week of the month I
otherwise they will kill me.

Some comedian did a funny bit on how girls sync up I think it was Dane Cook (Sp?). I think it is a very old survival instinct that we have retained back from the cave men/women days. If you think about it if all the women are unable to get pregnant and are most fertile at the same times they are less likely to have their mate impregnate someone else and therefore be more likely to keep the best genes to themselves. By the same token if there was only one man and several women he could be hunting out in the wildness for the week they all had Aunt Flow and then upon return everyone would be fertile with in the same few days as well making it easier to be around and not hunting and gathering during those few days a month. This works if their is a village and all of the men hunt at the same time. It also makes it less likely to have to village pillaged and all the women impregnated at the same time by the "enemy"

see, lots of death and destruction follow women
but I fell asleep to a Jenny McCarthy movie!
lol my fu manchu is dangerous.
It was a day I actually trimmed my mustache so

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