Rat babies *pics*

OMG!!!!! They are darling!!! Always been a huge fan of rats!!!! SWEET babies!!!

Edit....chickenlover, are you being serious? How do you NOT breed them (if you have a male and female) would be a better question.
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luvmychicknkids is right, its very easy to breed rats,lol.
But I only breed certain rats, I breed to better the fancy rat,not just to have babies. I'm very picky about which rats I breed.

Thanks everyone
They are so cute! Lots of people thinks pinks are ugly, but I think they are so adorable. I raised PEW mice, so I get no color variety. I would love to get a couple rats, but of the same sex. I dont need rat babies,lol. I've had them before, but we havent had any in a long time.

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