Rat Terrier good farm dog? opinions please...

Or perhaps even a Boston Terrier. Yes, I'm sure terriers can be safe around chickens, I've seen quite of few chicken safe ones, and yet the only chickens I've lost of late have been to Jack Russells. I've dealt with bostons lately and they have all been ok. A fluke perhaps, who knows. Either way, you are going to have to be hyper vigilent for the first year or so with any pup.
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Or a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.. Mine protects the chickens, and is more than willing to sit with you, or run around all day with you. I like the terriors
but they often are hard to break out of the chasing habits, because they were breed to chase varmits, and often they think that chickens are varmits.
I think after this thread we'll just shelve the idea for another two years lol! All the suggestions were great for other breeds, but we have already considered those and weren't interested...one or both of us for various reasons.

We have three big dogs right now. All of which will try to sit in your lap if they can. I guess that will see me through the summer and fall months at least
If I can deal with 50 to 90 lbs of dog in my lap. Forget it if two of them wants to sit in my lap!

I really do appreciate the opinios expressed by current and passed Rat Terrier owners. That helps out a lot! Dogs are a big responsibility and We don't take it lightly.

I will keep holding my breath to find the perfect great dane/chihuahua mix!
I have a corgi also.She will lick them to death before she hurts the chickens. She thinks it is her main duty to protect the hens from the mating rooster(he has to be hurting them and she wont stand for that) Ducks also get separated!! HAHA!! But the hair HAIR! SHEDDING IS A GREAT PROBLEM. Like a horse! I love my corgi and will probably get another after she is gone but, but, but I warn you much shedding!!
She does love to be a lap dog but fairly long-big. Very loving- has licked more than one baby goat to warm it in the house..
I would not have ratties around my chickens. They are hunters by nature and very strong willed. They are great little dogs but make poor co-habitants for birds, bunnies, cats or any other small creature as a general rule!
Ours was awful when we brought him home from the pound, killing chickens, eating from the garbage can, and other messy things, but as you said after training is a wonderful dog! He thinks he is 100 pounds, his best friend is a wolf, he chases off strays and coyottes. I think they are a wonderful loving protective dog.
I have a rat terrier that is a year old and is the sweetest dog. She is good with the chickens and loves to be with you. I did have to train her to leave the chickens alone, but it can be done. It helped that the other dogs are good with the chickens. Haley makes up one third of my mouser team. Lady, the english setter, is my large mouser and does most of the mousing. Herbie, my carin terrier, is the medium mouser and gets in the spaces that Lady can't and Haley is the little mouser that gets in all the little nooks and craneys. My flock free range in our acre yard all day with the dogs. I wouldn't trade my rat terrier for anything.

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