Rat with twisted neck, doing barrel rolls!? UPDATE: She didn't make it :( And now her cagemate is d

Yea, definitely try asking on a rat forum. The dosage of 2cc (1 cubic centimeter = 1 mL) implies it is talking about a fluid dose, not a pill dose. One of the important rights of medication is right route. You can't use an oral medication as a SubQ or IM dose.

There is a BIG reason I love the metric system. Most medications are measured in that way, such as in miligrams per kilogram (or micrograms, etc. whatever unit of measure per kilogram). That makes it MUCH easier to calculate a dose for even a miniscule animal, such as a rat who is weighed in grams (30 grams per ounce), since there are 1000 grams in a kilogram. Sure, there are still some archaic medicinal weights such as grains, but those are few and far between (except for when it is used for aspirin, but it is always seen with its mg equivalent).
I have posted on rat forums. A couple of them. And have not had a single response in three days. About 75 views, but no responses. Somewhat less than helpful. I am somewhat tempted to just dump the contents of one of the capsules into her water and hope for the best. Anything has got to be better than just sitting her twiddling my thumbs...
I think I would at least try. Keep in mind though that the drug you are using may not be effective on the bacteria causing the problem. It is worth a shot though. I hope it works.
Um... lets see you need a one ml med per ml water gives a one to one- (250 ml water) then they need .2 cc or .2 ml per pound

a pound is 16 oz. so...

rat = 6-7 oz

6.5 oz /16 = 40.5 % of a pound... lets round down. (.40 of a lb)

so .40 of a .20 ml/lb dose is .... 0.2/40 = (is/of = %/100) = .005 ml per dose ... that's 1/2 a drop aprox.

With such a tiny dose if you mix 1/1 I'd just use the syringe and put it down the throat.
We have been giving her small doses of the antibiotic and aspirin. We can't tell if she is really improving or not. This is so frustrating! I just hope she is getting enough pain killer to get a little relief.
She seems to be improving! Her energy is back and she back to her shananigans of flipping the food bowl and kicking her bedding everywhere.
Glad to have her back!

She is still experiencing partial facial paralysis and has almost no equalibrium. But from what I read, that could be permanent. She seems to be managing ok in spite of it though.

We will contiue dosing her with amoxicillin and aspirin. With any luck she will continue to improve
I saw you asked about softer bedding materials and a sub for newspaper. I've raised rats off & on for over 20 yrs. I never had a problem with the chip bedding but was told the cedar would cut their feet as it is pretty sharp. I didn't use the really fine pine because of the dust. Pine chips worked best because they were soft & didn't have a lot of dust. As for "soft scraps" any white paper, kleenex, toilet paper or napkins work great. Just don't give them anything colored or printed. Also, never give them cotton balls. Not only does it get wet & stinky very fast but it grows bacteria very quickly as well & the rats can get very sick from eating it.

I never had a rat tilt it's head & roll like you have, so I'm sorry I can't help there.

Hope your little friend is doing well :)

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