Rats! I have rats.

Maybe I'll do some amazon research to see if I can do bait and boxes cheaper that way.... wonder if "amazon now" delivers rat poison :)
This is what I bought at Amazon.
I had a possum consuming the bait. I thought for sure the bait would kill it but it would come back night after night and destroyed a couple of my bait boxes. After doing some research I discovered they have an immunity to rat poison. Here is the possum with a chunk of the rat bait in it's mouth.
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I had a similar issue here. I used snap traps with peanut butter, and caught a dozen in two days. They slowed down for now, but will return. I pulled the nests and killed the babies. I didn't use poison for the risks of our dogs or the old owl eating the poisoned rats.
I have not found any dead critters and there has been a couple of time that I didn't take the dead rat to dispose of it because it was getting dark so decided to do it the next morning but when I went out to get them and dispose of them they were gone???
Good advice here! I used the bait stations with the bait blocks attached inside, so no bait could be pulled out of the bait station. I disposed of the very few mice and never found a rat, but they all went away after about two weeks. I keep a bait station out there for any new visitors, doubly protected in a closed live trap.
I did change bait types after the first week, as shown in HowardE's video, and it helped too.
Rats ate eggs, and killed three nice bantam pullets in my coop before I eliminated them. Nasty critters, and very smart.
I do like domestic rats, the very best 'pocket pets' ever!
Slightly off-topic perhaps, but I've been watching a you-tube channel called the minkenry about a guy in Utah who does rat extermination using dogs and trained mink. I've gotten many a vicarious thrill from watching and cheering for the mink and dog to kill the little buggers!! :clap (he also hunts other things with them, so just be aware. no, I'm not a sadist, i'm just very,very frustrated and am glad to see someone else having luck with their extermination program). I think he's been helping/training others around the country to do the same? :idunno Might be someone in your area? (no idea on cost, tho)

Most use trained ferrets. It turns out, that in nature, one of the favorite targets of weasels, minks, ferrets, stoats, etc. are furry rodents like rats and mice. One of nature's most potent forms of rodent control. They seek them out and will go on killing sprees. Which offers one additional reason you really want to get rid of rats and mice, as they are likely to attract a weasel...or one of the cousins......to your chickens. Once they arrive, they are opportunistic and will transition to killing your birds just the same.

But as for trained ferrets, etc, they will do some damage to a rat colony, but will only thin the herd.....while they are there. Once they move on, the colony rebounds as if nothing ever happened.
I had a possum consuming the bait. I thought for sure the bait would kill it but it would come back night after night and destroyed a couple of my bait boxes. After doing some research I discovered they have an immunity to rat poison. Here is the possum with a chunk of the rat bait in it's mouth.
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Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor--opossums have it and can neutralize not only rat poison, but snake, bee, and scorpion venom! http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=s0104-79301999000100005&script=sci_arttext I didn't read the entire article, but wow. Who knew opossums could someday save your life!?!:th
I tried everything and finally a gang of cats solve the rat problem. some dogs (especially terriers) might help too.

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