RATS!! too smart to get caught, help!

Have you seen mice?
I'm just wondering, because I've heard that where there is a heavy rat infestation you won't see any, or very few mice. They don't cohabitate. I'm pretty sure a rat would eat a mouse nest in a heartbeat. Chomp - what a tasty, convenient snack.
No, I am not sure... but there ARE plenty of mice around, I've seen the droppings and the former owner told me her chickens used to kill mice sometimes in the coop (we've been here for only 4 months).

Maybe the rats moved in and took over?
Someone mentioned Warfarin a while back, and I don't know what you're using as bait, but if it's Warfarin, that takes a long time to kill. They have to eat it repeatedly over a matter of days. It works to destroy the vitamin K in the system or the body's ability to use it somehow, anyway eventually they bleed to death internally. Their blood can no longer clot and that is how they bleed to death, generally internally unless something would happen they would be bitten or some such thing as a scratch or other injury. Long story short, if you're using a Warfarin based poison, you won't see any dead for a while and I would be surprised if you could get it to work on a rat.
Little useless piece of information for you - Coumadin - the medication given to folks, usually following surgery, to help prevent blood clots is generically known as - drum roll please------------------------------Warfarin!!!
Does anyone know, once a rat has eaten poison or plaster of paris, whether the killer stuff in the rat would hurt any other animal that would eat the poisoned rat? Like a bird of prey, for example. Or a dog who could catch that weakened rat -- would it be harmed?
So first of all I wish you luck! Rats are smart! So we moved into an old farm house and they were everywhere! Seen them durning the day... So first couple months we did, sticky traps, live traps, great big snap rat traps.. caught few babies.. No big ones.. My grandma told me(FRESH) poison, every fall in the attic and basement.. Posin them before you see them! Every year.. So it took a few months of posion, but we got rid of them! I did find one hugde dead one on my kitchen floor where kids/pets could got it.. Just keep your eyes open!, every morning and night! I can't remeber the avtive ingrediant, just pick the one that has the most of the "active ingrediant" Also you want to get rid of other food sorces! So they want the poison.. It sometimes takes them a week ,to get used to movement! "Hence they may not touch any method for a week.. Put it down and leave it, don't touch it everyday! PS They love plain timbits!!! For bait on snap traps!
I hate Rats !
We are using a product called Bromone... it comes in pellet form.

It is a "Fast-acting, single feed rodenticide. Effective on Warfarin-resistant rats"

If only the rats will eat it!

In addition to putting it out in dishes, I will coat some pellets with peanut butter and smear the rat traps!!

I'd have to disagree with you about the effectiveness of this type of poison for rats and the length of kill. Within two days of placing OneBite in my cellar, I see dead rats. It is very effective for rats and can even kill a dog just as quickly, depending on the amount ingested. Judging from the amount these rats ingested, it only took very little to do the dirty deed.

If you do have a dog who opts to steal a bit of this kind of rat bait, you must induce vomiting directly after they eat it. Takes about 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide to make a dog throw up all the things he ate~even from last year!
It's pitiful to watch but it does the trick effectively.

Warning: If your chickens eat a mouse that has died from Warfarin, the effects can transfer to them, so remove any dead rodents quickly and keep a watch for them. They seem to crawl out of their holes, maybe to look for a water source? Internal bleeding can cause increased thirst.
I'd have to disagree with you about the effectiveness of this type of poison for rats and the length of kill. Within two days of placing OneBite in my cellar, I see dead rats. It is very effective for rats and can even kill a dog just as quickly, depending on the amount ingested. Judging from the amount these rats ingested, it only took very little to do the dirty deed.

If you do have a dog who opts to steal a bit of this kind of rat bait, you must induce vomiting directly after they eat it. Takes about 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide to make a dog throw up all the things he ate~even from last year!
It's pitiful to watch but it does the trick effectively.

Warning: If your chickens eat a mouse that has died from Warfarin, the effects can transfer to them, so remove any dead rodents quickly and keep a watch for them. They seem to crawl out of their holes, maybe to look for a water source? Internal bleeding can cause increased thirst.

I think if you check your "One Bite" package, it will say that it is for Warfarin "resistant" rats. It does not contain Warfarin. I believe it contains something like bromalone coagulant, (not sure I've spelled that right) which as you might guess is a coagulant. It acts in an opposite manner.
You're absolutely right about it's effectiveness and the dangers of other animals getting a hold of it or any animal poisoned by it, ergo its name, One Bite!
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