Rattlesnake in my chicken coop!


6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
New Mexico
We were out checking the chickens last night, and found a rattlesnake slithering along the back wall of the coop. It went into the adjoining barn where I keep my feed, etc. It blended in so well, that I couldn't even see it until my husband pointed it out. We managed to kill it, but now I'm concerned for the safety of my chickens as well as ourselves. I do have mice in my barn, so this weekend we will be cleaning that out, I keep my feed locked in plastic tubs, but they are still there. Anyone have any suggestions for keeping snakes out, or at least not attracting them? This was a small one, and I think he came in through the chicken wire run outside. What scares me, is that I was getting ready to go in and close the chickens up for the night, but decided to leave the coop open because it's been so hot. Had I gone in the coop, I would have been right on top of him/her. EEEWWWWWW!
oh yuck...I'm in Texas so I have those worries...my coop is off the ground...I think that helps some but the biggest help is the guineas...they are suppose to love to eat snakes...if the snake is small enough the chickens get them...but guineas don't get hypnotized at night like the chickens so at the very least they could alert you...that's my little input! lol
I have killed a 3' rattler and a 7' chicken snake all ready this year. Not to bad, but i do not like snakes of any kind. Texas hill country is loaded with snakes. I have positioned all nest boxes low enough to see for my 5 yr old. I remember as a 5 yr old, I reached up to a nest and found a 6' chicken snake with my hand. Thank God he had an egg in his mouth. You never forget that stuff. Thirtyfive yrs later, I still look before grabbing an egg. Mainly my advise is, keep your nesting boxes so you can see the entire box so you dont reach in on a snake. We have concrete footings but they can still get in the wire. Please be cautious at night and if you dont have lights make sure to carry a flashlight while strolling at night. Rattlers are never to far from others. My daughter and i killed the rattler at night on our way back to the coop. Thank God we had a flashlight. They move at night.
Killed a five foot rattler today in my coop. I had head phones on signing up a storm. Gathered eggs in my hands and checked the run cause every now and then and noticed hens and guineas all circled up in a huddle. So I looked to see what they were fixing to pounce on. It was the snake curled up. So I ran for the gun after putting eggs up. Went back and guineas had it cornered. I ran then off and shot its head off. But I noticed later it killed by best hen. Well it looked like it was dying when I put her in a small pen so the others wouldn't pick on her or the roosters keep trying to mount her. I'm hoping for the best but expecting the worst.
We were out checking the chickens last night, and found a rattlesnake slithering along the back wall of the coop. It went into the adjoining barn where I keep my feed, etc. It blended in so well, that I couldn't even see it until my husband pointed it out. We managed to kill it, but now I'm concerned for the safety of my chickens as well as ourselves. I do have mice in my barn, so this weekend we will be cleaning that out, I keep my feed locked in plastic tubs, but they are still there. Anyone have any suggestions for keeping snakes out, or at least not attracting them? This was a small one, and I think he came in through the chicken wire run outside. What scares me, is that I was getting ready to go in and close the chickens up for the night, but decided to leave the coop open because it's been so hot. Had I gone in the coop, I would have been right on top of him/her. EEEWWWWWW!
don't know if this helps with the snakes, but I know for sure it helps with the mice and rats. We keep all our feed in galvanized garbage cans with lids. Learned that trick when we kept horses. ain't found a rat yet that can chew through one on them. I hate snakes too.
can tel u 2 things that work moth balls n agricultural lime not reg lime it burns dont get it on u or around where ur animals are. i never find snakes dang it. i happen too like em. my wife yells at me i play with scorpions n snakes rattlers copperheads cottonmouths all dangerous .

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