Ravens vs. Crows vs. Ducks


Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Sep 2, 2018
Big Chimney, WV
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Friends!

As many of you know, i am very thankful for the crows around my property for driving hawks, owls and other predators away during the day. I am not concerned about crows attacking my Duckies.
Heart loud quacking from outside, looked and saw two really large »crows« flying off - before it came to me that those weren't crows but ravens! Twice the size of a crow each, at least.
What's your experience with ravens and ducks? Are they a threat to grown up ducks?
I have ravens everywhere here! They normally get along with the crows, just fine! They’ve never bothered my ducks! I’m not sure, though, as I’ve heard stories of attacks... :confused: I was told ravens are opportunistic, so if a chicken or duck is asleep/resting while it’s away from the group then the raven would try. If you have a weaker duck, the raven would see an opportunity. I wish you and your ducks well!
I have ravens everywhere here! They normally get along with the crows, just fine! They’ve never bothered my ducks! I’m not sure, though, as I’ve heard stories of attacks... :confused: I was told ravens are opportunistic, so if a chicken or duck is asleep/resting while it’s away from the group then the raven would try. If you have a weaker duck, the raven would see an opportunity. I wish you and your ducks well!
Thank you very much for the good wishes!
I have a special needs duck, Limpy has a problem with his left leg and spend most of his time by himself (and two rubber ducklings) in the pool. I really need to observer this very closely. Those ravens are almost the same size as my two smaller females, but their beaks look even scary to me… If they get along nice with my Duckies, i won't be worried about any hawk anymore.

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