Re-Coop -- A Noob's guide to (trying) to build a "chicken mansion" on a budget

Golly, if we lived next door to each other, it would be fun....I'm like you with no skills, no real tools (i dont have a chop saw or table saw, just a drill, a circular saw and a hammer) or and think too much, and my husband -- also a physicist -- tends to over think and over engineer.

Great build so far!
I'm trying to work out a way to make sliders, but still have it weather proof. The windows will only be about 7 inches tall, so finding some at the salvage store is going to be tough. Plus those will be just under 8 feet off the ground so getting to them to open/close might prove to be a monumental task. But I like the way you think!
Those windows were just cleated in from the inside. I put hinges on the top, made a latch out of 3/8 plywood(that's my daughter in the last pic cutting the mortise for the latch), made a pole to operate the latches and used some eyebolts and ropes to hold them open.

First off, aart, I appreciate the pic and the info.....I might be able to swing something. Between our horses and the whole "physics" thing, I have some eye bolts and some small pulleys laying around the house. I might be able to work something out on the outside of the coop (it isn't big enough for me to get into). I may just do two large long windows, some more hardware cloth on the inside, and then 'll have them swing out instead of in.....I'll just need to get up there twice a year to lock them shut for the winter and unlock them for the summer.

I'll work out a few designs then probably change them last minute! I'll be sure to post if I come up with something.

Quick random update. With everything I have salvaged (wood, windows, vents, hardware) plus the new wood and hardware I have purchased, I am only about $68 into the coop!!! That includes all the material I have laying around to make a fence to contain the chickens to my yard when they free range.

I'm hoping to get some work done tonight, but we'll see, otherwise I plan to have it DONE by the end of the day Labor Day (especially since I want to buy my chickens at the poultry auction happening at the Columbia County Fair on Labor Day just down the road from me)
Alright, so bad news first.....I didn't get to work on the coop yesterday, nor will I get to work on it today. And the entire weekend looks like rain......

Now for the good news....... I have a few MAJOR salvage material "scores" coming my way.....

1) I pick up my 2"x4" welded wire today -- FREE from my dad...he was using it to protect his blueberry bushes, and he and I (as payment for the fence) will be building a wooden framework with netting for the bushes in the spring. I will use the 2"x4" wire to build a the fence so I can contain the chickens to MY yard since, when they free range my yard, it quickly turns into them free ranging my neighbors compost pile (not that he minds)

2) I talked to my OTHER neighbor last night (the contractor) he is giving me any of his left over plywood from his roofing job (more than enough to finish my walls) AS WELL AS ANY of the vinyl siding he has left over from a house he just finished building and siding (not much, but more than enough to side the coop!!!). So the outside of the coop will be sided rather than painted/stained. Not sure what color it is yet, I think light blue, he brings it home today!

EDIT: The vinyl siding isn't going to work out for the coop....not a big deal, with the amount of doors and windows, I'll need more edging then siding, however, he has already brought over some standing seam metal roof sections, metal roof cap, as well as flashing for the coop. Hopefully that will work!
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You are giving me the inspiration to try to build my own coop. We tore down a pool and deck and so I have a lot of 1 x 6 decking boards. I only want to try 3 - 4 chickens but am very nervous about building a coop that will be safe and comfortable for the chickens. I can't wait to see the finished project and BTW I know exactly how your wife feels. I am married to a design engineer and he would be calling me every bit as much as you call your wife or else wouldn't do anything unless I was there. I, on the other hand, just jump into a project and see what happens. Great work.
Looking great so far!! We spent waaay to much money on our coop so I love how you've been using salvage materials.
Going CRAZY with this coop at the moment. Another day that I could have worked on it, and it has been POURING since I got up. As of last night, 0% chance of rain today, when I got up and looked out the window, 0% chance of rain......yet, I could barely see 50 feet the rain was coming down so hard.....

Oh well...I guess it's just another rain delay. Hopefully the weather will hold out Thursday morning and this weekend....
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Going CRAZY with this coop at the moment. Another day that I could have worked on it, and it has been POURING since I got up. As of last night, 0% chance of rain today, when I got up and looked out the window, 0% chance of rain......yet, I could barely see 50 feet the rain was coming down so hard.....

Oh well...I guess it's just another rain delay. Hopefully the weather will hold out Thursday morning and this weekend....

Darn weather...I've got a 95 degree day weather hold here!

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