Read this online, Should I try it?? Would you??

I find my birds do not lay the day after being cooped all day. But you might find out from cooping them one day.

I don't know who's laying what. We get 6-8 eggs from 12 birds. I can at least hope the Easter eggers come in green or blue when they start to lay. My welsummers have nice dark eggs. And I'm guessing the slightly peach ones are from the Black Australorps, if my black stars lay similar eggs to the red stars. Though there is not definite reason that would be the case.
Oh, one more thought on whether they are laying yet, and it's that I have only seen crouching behavior from hens that have started to lay. That is when you approach them, and instead of running away they lower their head and jut their shoulders out. My pullets had got bigger than my hens with great big combs and wattles, but this behavior seems to be the last thing that comes on.
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I read on another where someone was putting food coloring in the vent to color streak the eggs so they could tell who was laying which egg. I guess that only works if you can tell each individual chicken from the other. I thought they were joking, but I guess its almost common? Maybe you could try that if you really want to know who is laying which egg? For me, I just want to see more eggs, and find the secret nests!!
I wouldn't do it just because it's gross. Lock them down for a couple days. Maybe even put some fake eggs in the nesting boxes to give them a hint.
If they're only 5 months old, & the weather is hot, maybe there is no hidden nest. They may wait until cooler weather to start popping out eggs.
You might be right- I've looked EVERYWHERE!! I did find a spot under the pine trees that is alomost completely hidden, and they hang out under there ALOT. They have little depressions that look like nesting sites, but no eggs so far. Guess I'll have to just keep waiting, and looking.

Yet another thing keeping chickens has taught/re-enforced in me- the virtue of Patience!
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