READERS! I know you're out there! Anyone...


Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
...use Goodreads ? I LOVE it.

If you're there, drop me a friend request so we can share book recommendations and reviews! Here's a link to my profile .

If you read a lot, but don't use Goodreads, give it a try. It's really cool. Not that I'm a book geek or anything...
I am all for a book exchange - we tried that a bit ago and no one bit. I have a ton of paperbacks I am done with. John Sandford, tami hoag, type of novels... I am willing to ship to anyone that wants them...
Even absent the exchanging of actual books (though I'm all FOR that!), I also love just reading other peoples' reviews and recommendations.
i added it to my favorites ninja...i'll check it all out later...i still want that cool book thing you recently got!...
I don't read as often as I would like to ! It would put me in the poor house....I read so fast , that I can be done with a 300 page book in one day . I get irritated sometimes when I have hubby read an article on line with the time he's done reading it....I've read it 4 times over !
I'm telling you, that Kindle is amazing. I'm so grateful to have received it as a gift, because I never could have justified buying it for myself. I find that I'm reading a LOT more books since getting it, just by virtue of having it with me all the time--it's very portable. And if I finish a book while I'm sitting in a waiting room or something, I can just start another one instantly!
Currently reading: "Heart Shaped Box," a ghost story by Joe Hill (Stephen King's oldest son).

Next up: Probably "The Art of Racing in the Rain" or "Neverwhere."

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