READERS! I know you're out there! Anyone...

currently reading "Out of Africa" and "Shadows on the Grass"...combined book by Isak Dinesen..
next is "Heaven and Hell" by John Jakes..

ooh Ninja!..i didnt even know that he had a son writing!..gotta get that book!..,,ever read his wifes'?...thanks, Wendy
I'm telling you, that Kindle is amazing. I'm so grateful to have received it as a gift, because I never could have justified buying it for myself. I find that I'm reading a LOT more books since getting it, just by virtue of having it with me all the time--it's very portable. And if I finish a book while I'm sitting in a waiting room or something, I can just start another one instantly!

Omg, I just got a Kindle for my birthday a couple of weeks ago. I just love it. I didn't know anyone else who has one until now. How much do you love yours. It's so cool. Everyone who reads should have one. Just a suggestion to anyone who likes to read-I just read Marley and Me, and it was awesome. If you're a dog lover, and haven't read it yet, you gotta check it out. Didn't know about Goodreads. I have to check that out.

Oh, you also have to read Denison's "Winter's Tales".

Joe Hill has won tons of awards for his short fiction, and his first book, "20th Century Tales," won the Bram Stoker Award and two British Fantasy Awards. He never used his real last name, because he wanted to make it on his own merits, not as the son of Stephen King.

King's youngest, Owen, is also a published author, but I haven't gotten around to reading his short fiction yet.
I'm telling you, that Kindle is amazing. I'm so grateful to have received it as a gift, because I never could have justified buying it for myself. I find that I'm reading a LOT more books since getting it, just by virtue of having it with me all the time--it's very portable. And if I finish a book while I'm sitting in a waiting room or something, I can just start another one instantly!

I'm glad I read this before I asked if anyone's got the Kindle. I just ordered one for myself. I've been waiting since they came out-- never could justify it before, but we moved this year, out of state, and my old dentist's office sent me a refund check for money they'd overcharged me!!!!! (this is the second one-- they did their books and found an error with the insurance and what they had billed me). I decided since it was nearly the exact amount as the Kindle, that now was the time to buy!!!

Do you love it?
How is Heart Shaped Box? I had that book, but hadn't read it, and I think it disappeared when we moved ( DH doesn't like books-- thinks that if I'm not actively reading them, then I've finished them and they can be disposed of....) I may have to get it when I get my Kindle if it was any good!
That sounds like me! I always got in trouble in school when they had us all read out loud because I never knew where we were when it was my turn - I was always reading ahead. I LOVE to read, but rarely have time to do so anymore. When I do start a book I end up staying up half the night finishing it! My hubby isn't a reader at all, but I've learned that he really likes to know what I'm reading about. So, now I sometimes take a break and summarize it for him. He really seems to enjoy that.
I'm telling you, that Kindle is amazing. I'm so grateful to have received it as a gift, because I never could have justified buying it for myself. I find that I'm reading a LOT more books since getting it, just by virtue of having it with me all the time--it's very portable. And if I finish a book while I'm sitting in a waiting room or something, I can just start another one instantly!

I'm glad I read this before I asked if anyone's got the Kindle. I just ordered one for myself. I've been waiting since they came out-- never could justify it before, but we moved this year, out of state, and my old dentist's office sent me a refund check for money they'd overcharged me!!!!! (this is the second one-- they did their books and found an error with the insurance and what they had billed me). I decided since it was nearly the exact amount as the Kindle, that now was the time to buy!!!

Do you love it?

I LOVE IT. There are some things, certain first editions, reference books, cookbooks, graphic novels, etc., that I will still want to own in traditional book form, but holy cow, I love this little machine.

The price always staggered me, so I was grateful when my mom got it for me for my birthday. But you know, when you consider that you get FREE internet access via Whispernet FOREVER, it really looks like a much better deal than at first blush! I mean, can you imagine if Blackberry put out a device that cost $350 and had NO subscription fee?

OK, so you can't talk on the phone on your Kindle. But by golly, you can do just about everything else on it--even email. Get the Windwalker Kindle guide (it's cheap), and it will walk you through all that kind of stuff. I have my Google Reader page bookmarked on mine so that I can read all my favorite blogs on my Kindle for free. YAY!

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