Ready for the Plague???

I didn't even realize they had started up this year. My brother did and he couldn't figure out what was making all the noise.
I just take it as a sign that there won't be anymore cold snaps in the spring.
I have always called them locusts it is what they where called when I was a kid. I love the sound we don't get to many in my part of Kansas I do love them.
We say locusts too... I guess because I live in the Bible belt, and everyone refers to the Bible's locusts... Cicadas are their scientific name..
Yeah... Grasshoppers.. I have always used the two interchangeably, I guess it's incorrect. But when you are raised a certain way, I suppose you become stubborn...

They are both in the phylum Arthropoda and... *reciting the phrase.... Dear King Phillip Came Over For Great Spaghetti....* Class Insecta.
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