Ready-To-Lay Pullets Query


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 25, 2013
Nova Scotia
Hi. I just bought 10, six-month old RIR "ready-to-lay" pullets a week ago today. I've so far collected four eggs. Is this due to adjustment period or when the say "ready-to-lay" do they mean the laying age or the actual laying behaviour? Thanks!
You've probably got both going on. Moving pullets or laying hens, or doing anything that upsets their routine, will often stop them from laying for a period of time. Ready To Lay or Point Of Lay usually means they are of an approximate age where the average pullet of that breed should start to lay anytime. It doesn't mean a particular pullet(s) is necessarily laying, they are all individuals and some will lay sooner and some later. If they are proven to be actually laying they are usually sold as Layers. With the shortening hours, this late in the year, some may even wait until spring to start laying.
Thank you for the info. Very much appreciated. I figured they would be a bit unhinged with their new circumstances. I guess patience is a virtue!

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