real bullying problem


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 18, 2010
Hi everyone. I have 9 hens, no 2 are the same. Pretty much everyone gets along well. There are a couple who get pecked a little bit, but it's not that big of a deal. I built up my flock in stages, so they all came in at different times. The last hen I bought is a blue egg layer and she is bullied hard. While everyone else is eating together, she has to stay far away or they'll run her off. She has no feathers on the top of her wings and her skin there is red and raw. I don't know what to do. We got this purple spray that's supposed to help her heal and keep the others off of her, but it didn't work. Should I get rid of her? I can easily find her a good home. How can I stop this?
Thanks for any help!
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Did you have her separated before letting her in with the others?
I would see if I could get her separated to let her heal and if they still pick on her, I would try to find her a home. I hope it works out for you.
How do I isolate her? They're free range and I don't know what to do with her at night.
How long should she stay in there? Would only at night work you think? She mostly gets pecked at night. I would feel so bad for her in there
find some free pallets
and some left over chicken wire - and build a little mini coop for her until you can find her a new home
but get her out of there

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