Really strange egg plus "something" else in the nesting box?!?!???


6 Years
Oct 14, 2013
This morning I went out to check on my chickens and there are rarely any eggs this early, but I checked anyway and this is what I found! I've never seen anything like this! Can anyone help me?!
Are your chickens getting calcium supplements? How long have they been laying?

I have seen one of these before, it was an improper egg due to a hen being older with less calcium than she needed. As for the wrinkly one, I've had and seen it happen in young layers.

Still, it could just be a random lapse in regular egg laying.
I have some older hens that don't lay much at all anymore and some baby hens that should be just starting to lay. We got the older ones after they were already laying so this is my first experience with new layers. As for the calcium we do supplement with oyster shell.

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