Received sick faverolles, now what?

Unfortunately their prognosis is "guarded to poor" according to the vet. Given the level of infection, they are likely to not be able to absorb nutrients. I have noted they are eating huge quantiles of food. I just bought more grower feed for them, so that is not a problem. But then I wonder at what point am I just prolonging suffering. What a mess! I am working very hard to not get attached to these wretched little ones, as they are unlikely to ever really join my flock.
The CC needs to look at it as damaged goods, sadly. If you bought a picture frame, and it arrived smashed up, it would be a clear case. The poor chicks are technically property, so the same rules should apply, one would think.
It should work that way. If you steal someones dog, its legally considered stealing their property. The fact that the dog is a living thing has no standing. So I would definitely work the angle of 'I purchased healthy chicks, they sent me incredibly sick (i.e. damaged) chicks and I have a vet bill (proof of damage from an expert) to prove it'. Good luck.
If they pull through this though, I think they will have a wonderful chance to integrate into your flock. Make certain that after the full regime of corid treatment that you then fortify their water with a good vitamin and mineral supplement. This will give them the boost that they SHOULD HAVE HAD from the breeder but obviously did not get. I am exceptionally fond of "chick booster" as it apparently tastes great! My birds prefer water treated with this product over plain water and I feel confident in the long grocery list of nutrients that it provides. I gave about $17 U.S. Dollars for a liter of it, and because it is so highly concentrated, I've been using the same bottle for several years and still have many more years worth still!

ChickBooster by Neurovet.png
ChickBooster Ingredients.png
I could be totally wrong, but those don’t look like my faverolle did. She has muffs and a beard.

EDIT: Or maybe they do, looking at your pic again? I’m sorry. Either way, the poor things look just shocked.
You could also use the approach that the company sent you the wrong item (if they arent the right breed) or misrepresented the item in their listing (size of 3-4 weeks when should be 7 weeks, not disclosing sickness). You could probably argue that the 3-4 week chicks ARE the wrong item. Though that depends on the CC company doing research or just taking your word for it.
So to be fair to her, when i bought them they were 3 weeks old, and the expectation was I would get them right away. There were various delays (not on my part) and they got older. So, when I first received them, I thought perhaps she substituted younger ones, which would have been acceptable. However she didn't -- they are older, unhealthy chicks. The problematic part isn't that they are younger than I paid -- it is that they are older chicks that are stunted. So really it all goes back to the health of the chick.
So to be fair to her, when i bought them they were 3 weeks old, and the expectation was I would get them right away. There were various delays (not on my part) and they got older. So, when I first received them, I thought perhaps she substituted younger ones, which would have been acceptable. However she didn't -- they are older, unhealthy chicks. The problematic part isn't that they are younger than I paid -- it is that they are older chicks that are stunted. So really it all goes back to the health of the chick.
Yeah, I know actual younger HEALTHY chicks would be okay, but honestly whatever logic gets the CC company to understand that they wronged you sounds alright to me.

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