Recently aggressive hen


Apr 17, 2021
Stevensville, Montana
Hi, so my favorite girl when they were chicks has recently started to attack peck me. She is not a rooster, she has been laying for a little over a month. I noticed a change in behavior towards me around the time that she started laying. Could it be hormonal? I’ve had a couple girls go broody in the last week? This is when the hard a would almost describe it as biting started. I have tried the pecking back method with any of them that pecks me. It’s worked with my Orpingtons but they never pecked hard, they just lightly peck at things on me that are interesting. She raises her head moves fast and goes for blood, only in the last week or so. This happens if I try to pet her, pick her up, right after I picked her up, even though when she was in my arms she was totally fine, when I run out of treats in my hands, or if I get to close while she is foraging. It’s not all the time though, I can still pet her sometimes, and she will eat out of my hand just fine. I swear this bird liked me the most as a chick, even as a young pullet. I’ve put a lot of effort into feeding by hand again, I stopped when they became pretty aggressive eaters. I’m hoping this will help. She is probably the second to last to approach me now when I have food or to come say hi. Any suggestions? Am I stuck with an aggressive hen now or can this get better? Please help, she was my sweet baby. Her and her egg below 🥰
Have you tried a squirt bottle?
Nope not yet, but it’s not a constant attack thing, it feels like its come outta no where,
she’ll be totally fine and peaceful and I can lightly pet her. Then like a crazy, she snaps. I try to tap her on the head or top of her back to in force the Im the head chicken vibe, she moves away quickly and I think gets the point but I don’t know. I’m scared of her now. 😢
Nope not yet, but it’s not a constant attack thing, it feels like its come outta no where,
she’ll be totally fine and peaceful and I can lightly pet her. Then like a crazy, she snaps. I try to tap her on the head or top of her back to in force the Im the head chicken vibe, she moves away quickly and I think gets the point but I don’t know. I’m scared of her now. 😢
You should never have an animal you're afraid of, ever. Either rehome her or euthanize her.

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