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In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 15, 2010
Van Buren, Arkansas
I was checking out the forum last night and found some very helpful info here and everyone seemed very nice and friendly so I had to sign up. Thanks to everyone for all of the insightful posts
Use caution
because you will be addicted in no time. Might as well start building your incubator
now. Oh, and before I forget
Sad to say that we actually got into raising chickens because our next door neighbor's husband passed away last Nov. They had 10 bantams and she was not able to take care of them. Since my wife has been wanting chickens since the day we were married, I built a small coop with a small run and the chickens came home to roost, so to speak. We actually bought an incubator in Feb. and we have hatched out about 15 baby chicks (out of 18 eggs). 5 of the eggs were from another neighbor who has had chickens ever since I have known him. During incubation I built a 4x4 brooder and we have raised about 38 chicks in it so far. We now have two coops, one for the bantams, and a duplex coop for our big chickens that we ordered in April. I'm hooked. My wife and I find ourselves just standing around watching them for no apparent reason. We love having them around and we are already getting 8 - 14 eggs a day now.

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