recipes for those with diet restrictions, any ideas?

Try something FODMAP?

The REAL medical FODMAP is really hard. I had to do it for epilepsy.
It has now somehow caught on for losing weight :') (kinda sucks.. because it is an actual serious medical diet that is actually dangerous to try). But these people for weight adapted the diet more 'normal' being without yeast, sugar, dairy, but less strict, still have eggs, but you can just look at the recipes without eggs. (the strict diet also has certain vegetables you can't eat because it is 0 sugar).

Also a tip is searching for Paleo. They don't do yeast, dairy and sugar. And again you can skip the egg-recipes.

I still eat like your mom. Allthough I can only handle pure sugar in meals a bit and not the fake ones, and can handle honey a bit. But it is not that hard! You just have to find what you like :)
I often lunch with a variety of letuces, avocado pieces, carpaccio, pinenuts, and a balsamico dressing. Sometimes I replace the carpaccio with thin roastbeef slices and add artichoke, or smokes salmon, At friday a fresh raw herring with onions. Every morning a cup of fresh soup from the freezer and some extra veggies. A bunch of different mushrooms with garlic and springonion. As a snack in the evening I gorge on good sausages and olives. Or a bowl of spinach. And a looooot of soup. Just get creative!
I allways have cooked chickory in the fridge because I like it more then an apple.. yeah sure people look at me weird when they take out an apple and I'm munching on a chickory... but who cares!
A diet succeeds when you fill it in with stuff you like. A diet doesn't mean you have to eat stuff you dislike.. you can see it as eating more stuff from a catergory that you are allowed to eat! A packet of spinach for 6 people a day is not strange for me :')

I must say that at first I had to make a shedule for it. If your mom can handle beans, maybe the mexican kitchen is something. You have websites with all countries on the world and their recipes pick from those. I can't have beans but the hard shell taco-shells are still a winner!

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