Recommendation for backyard egg layers

Sounds like I've got enough space then with a 6x8 coop and 500+ sq. feet in the backyard.
Hi! has a breed selection tool that includes all your criteria. They're great for beginners because you can order a small # of sexed and vaccinated chicks in whatever breeds you choose. I got a RIR, Red Star, Barred Plyouth Rock and Golden Laced Wyandotte from them this summer, based on all the same criteria you mentioned, plus beauty (the Wyandotte.) My favorite for temperament was the Barred Rock (but, unfortunately a fox got her.) My RIR is so talkative, the Star is sweet, quiet and seems kind of slow (but I don't say that around her.) She developed more slowly than the others, too. The Wyandotte is friendly, smart and pecks me. She's huge. They haven't started laying yet, so I can't speak to that. I plan to replace my Barred Rock, since she was so beautiful, smart, and friendly. I also plan to get an Easter Egger for the fun of having colorful eggs. They can also be beautiful birds. Other breeds I'd love to have if I could have more (which I can't,) would be an Australorp (I heard they're excellent layers and sweet), and a Welsumer (for dark eggs.) If I had to do it again, I don't think I'd go with the RIR, but I'll get back to you if she turns out to be a champion layer.
I'm SO shallow, I picked all my chickens based on egg color - cause I just like pretty eggs.
I see no problem with that. Lots of people base their choices on egg color. I just am not thrilled with white eggs, so I have many choices I could make. Not a thing wrong with a colorful flock that lays colorful eggs.
I see no problem with that. Lots of people base their choices on egg color. I just am not thrilled with white eggs, so I have many choices I could make. Not a thing wrong with a colorful flock that lays colorful eggs.


I picked two of each color egg layer for my first lot of chickens, 2 white layers (Leghorns/ideal 236) 2 brown layers RIR, 2 lighter brown, BO's and 2 EE's (I was given 4 bantams and get cute little creamy eggs from them)

Once we got those ee eggs it was ALL over - I then bought eggs from Jody to get more pretty green/blue eggs.
well i would recommend Red Stars and Buff Orpingtons personally, because 1. they are both brown egg layers, and they lay all through cold/warm, laying medium-X large eggs, and 2. they are VERY friendly, beautiful, and get along pretty well if they are raised together. If not, then that may cause some pecking and arguments, but not really anything serious. We have both these breeds and they did get along well, except for when we decided to separate them, then they turned mean to each other. But Red Stars are egg laying machines, let me say that! LOL and so are RIR's, but they are usually pushy, bossy, and mean. Buff Opringtons are great layers too, and are known as really pretty and HUGE birds. But those two breeds are awesome for laying, temperament, appearence, and they do pretty well in small spaces. Not good brooders usually(Red Stars and sometimes buff orps)
Oh and they go very good with RIR breed(like a rooster) and not so much with other breeds. Not sure why. But our red star girls peck our cochin rooster but are perfectly fie with the RIR rooster.

P.S. Red stars are also known as cinnamon queens, red sex-links(and there is also black sex-links, which are great too) or golden comets. Lots of different names for this breed. And you can tell the gender by their color!
(Male=light, white colored as a chick. Female= tan colored or light brown)
I hope this helps!!!!!

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