Recommendations for a 6 hen tractor design for chilly New Hampshire?

Latebloomer--my tractor is 4x8 ft. 32 sq feet for 8 hens. 4 Plymouth barred rocks and 4 golden laced wyandottes. We live near Kingston, NY in the catskill mountains. Lots of snow and cold this year. Like I said, the tractor worked out fine for the winter and the girls went out almost every day. I think the longest I had to lock them in was 3 days but I kept them busy with cabbage and other vege and fruit goodies. No problems with pecking or picking, etc. Everything except the water heater, waterer and sandbox is up on the walls so the girls could use the entire floor space. We have a portable pvc pen that we butt up against the front of the tractor. There is a floating skirt that butts up against the tractor and attaches to the run with ties.
Thank you all for your kind suggestions.
I bought an old but servicable 10' by 8' wood shed from my neighbor and will pu that on a paved foundation, extending it with a wood framed chicken wire run. I'll post a photo when it gets done!
Thanks again!

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