Recommendations for Coop with Baby Chicks and Ducks


Apr 19, 2015

I have several questions that crosses multiple areas so I hope this board is the best place to ask opinions. Most answers/questions I have seen about mixing ducks and chicks are focused on putting them in a closed run where mine free range.

Background: we bought our first chickens last summer: six of them...3 Ameraucanas, 2 Rhode Island reds, 1 buff. All pullets. I bought the coop (pictured here) which has 4 nesting boxes, 3 perches and can hold up to 10 hens. My yard (approx 1/3 acre) is secured by a tall vinyl fence. My hens sleep in the coop and free range in my yard. I have a lab mix dog and a cat that also share my yard. Neither target my hens. They all coexist peacefully. My coop has an automatic door that opens/closes with a light sensor. My hens put themselves to bed nightly without any stragglers not making door closing time. I live in Utah and we get true 4 seasons here. My hens did well in this coop last Winter. I chose this coop for ease of cleaning/maintenance. I do not have a run of any kind...they completely free range. I do not have any roosters or drakes.

Current situation: we bought two female ducklings, 2 Cochin chicks and 1 silkie bantam chick recently. I am trying to determine how to best (1) integrate them into my existing flock and (2) determine how to best house them. The ducklings and chicks are 3 weeks old and the temps here are in the high 60s/low 70s during the day and 40s at night. They are currently kept together in a large wire dog crate with a heating lamp in the garage at night and when warm enough, I move the crate outside (minus the tray so they can enjoy the grass) during the day. But, they are quickly outgrowing the crate...especially the ducks. But, aren't ready yet to integrate in the existing flock. What type of transitional pen/housing should I consider?

1. Given that my existing coop only housed only 10 chickens (and with 2 ducks, I now have 11), do I need another coop since they only sleep in it and free range? (Please note my existing flock only uses 1.5 of the roosting area and only 2 of the 4 nesting boxes). I know Ducks (and silkies) will not roost and sleep on the floor. There is sufficient room but I think it will be a tight fit. I also read ducks prefer something lower to the coop is elevated 4 feet off of the ground. Will that be too high for the ducks?
2. Would it be better to set up shelter below the coop for the ducks? Since my silkie and 2 Cochins are being raised with the ducks, will they gravitate towards the coop with my grown girls or will they try to to roost with the ducks? Should I separate them soon so the chicks don't become so attached to the ducks? And with the ducks being so messy with water I wonder about separating them soon for that alone. I use wood pellets in the crate which keeps the chicks dry for the most part.
3. I would like to give the ducklings and baby chicks outdoor time on warm days. Right now we are keeping them in a dog wire crate inside that we move outside during the day. What type of transitional housing/fencing should we consider?

And, if you have read this far....thanks for hanging in there. I would be most appreciative of advice on transitional housing, permanent housing recommendations and integration into my existing flock.
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I'd stick the crate out under the coop and fence the back area off for the new ones. If the ducks and new chicks are doing well together, keep them together.
The ducks will likely not make the trip up the ramp to the coop. I'd build them housing under the coop that is ducks only. If the new chicks prefer to hang out with them, then add in a roost and a way to keep the ducks that may be under the roost, poop free.

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