"Recooping" issues and when to give scratch


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
Charlotte, Michigan
I have 6 chickens who are a little over 3 months old now. They are in their coop full time and I introduced them to their run a few days ago. I have 3 Black Sex Links and 3 Rhode Island Reds in my flock, my BSL's seem to go in without an issue, but my RHR's seem to be a bit on the "not so smart side". Any suggestions?? I am also wondering a couple of other things like when should I give them scratch and why am I finding feathers everywhere? They don't have bald spots or anything, but I even witnessed one being somewhat snippy to my other one and pulling a feather out. Should I have cause for concern?
Lure them into the coop at night with a treat, and then after awhile they will just go into the coop at night by habit...

You are finding feathers everywhere because they are establishing their pecking order, and they will continue to do pretty much forever...

As for scratch, I use as as treat and as a trick... When they get stupid and spread their food all over the ground I remove the feeder and toss the scratch on the ground that is covered with their regular feed... Presto they get so excited for the scratch they clean up after themselves...

I know have a feeder they they have a lot harder time tossing feed out of so now scratch is mostly a treat and cheap wild bird food for the feeders :)

Beware scratch in generally like crack to them, limit how much you give them and from experience don't mix it with their regular food, they will spend all day tossing their regular food everywhere digging for scratch grains...
With my chickens I guided them in with my arms. I sometimes lured them in with treats. They will soon go inside due to habit. I let my chickens free range in my backyard, and they go inside at around 6:30 or 7:00 every day. As for the feathers, if you find bald spots separate that hen from the rest of the flock or else it will get worse.

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