Red Bottoms?


12 Years
May 7, 2007
Southwest Missouri
Is it normal for the skin area around the vent to be red on a rooster that is "with" hens? It isn't just red in a circle around the vent, it is the whole bottom from tail to legs.

I have two roosters each with their own flock and noticed (while they were pecking scratch on the ground) that both of them have really really red bottoms. One is a white mutt roo and the other is a barred rock. Both are about a year old.

I have two RIR roos in a sepreate area w/o hens and they do not have this condition.
Yes, it is normal for most breeds. Reddish to pinkish tinted skin is also a good sign of health in your fowl. A white vent are can mean a vitamin deficiency in some cases, a lack of iron. Orientals have very red skin, so some of it depends on the breed too.

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