Red golden pheasants


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 24, 2012
Hello folks, havn't been on forum for a while, just thought I would let you all know I have in the incubator 6 golden buff orpingtons they are a large fowl species I will show photos when they hatch.
Also and most exciting to me is the red golden pheasant I aim to do a hatch next, they are a beautiful coloured bird, I want to know do they fly much or are they grounded like a chicken? Please. Let me know, a lol the best Jacko
They are ground foragers but make no mistake, once they acquire tail feathers they can fly exceptionally well. Yearlings can flat foot straight upwards of 20 feet to roost or flee from predators. They are easily trained to hang around and I have had them even go broody and hatch their own.eggs. As for your question, they should have adequate space to flap about but spend 95% of the day time on the ground as do most pheasants. This of course is my experience having raised many in captivity. Goldens do like to perch at different times of the day as well and will go as high as you allow them. Great question!
Thanks Gingerwood,
Looks like I'll have to build a compound if I would like to keep them, how do they take to being
hand reared from incubation like say parrots is it possible, JACKO
Jacko~ They are not even a fraction as hard to rear as Parrots! They learn to eat and drink on their own. Keep them on wire as long as possible for best results. They are quite easy to rear and raise and great for the beginner who wants to start. I highly recommend red goldens as your 1st pheasants. Let me know if you need any assistance and good luck with your hatch!

Keith at Gingerwood farms
I just might do that, I may start with six eggs from eBay breeders, will they live happy with chickens
Or would they need to be separated, Jacko
I dont have any chickens but have seen folks keep them together. There are health issues and diseases that one can carry to the other but from hatching them yourself many of those may or may not be communicable. Personally, I would keep them separated. Dont expect too much from shipped eggs this late in the season. If you want 3 buy 6 if you want 6 buy 12. Incubate for 23 days for red goldens or under a broody hen that wont leave them after 21 days. Im sure others on BYC have pheasants with chickens that can advise you better on that. Good luck with your hatch and enjoy your Pheasants.

at gingerwood
Thanks very much Kieth, I take that advice, I'll certainly keep in touch, cheers, jacko
Jacko, Have fun hatching and rearing the red goldens. Just dont blame me when you get 100! I love pheasants and you will too. Have a great day!
Hello Ginger,
Just to keep in touch, I had no luck with the large fowl hatch, so I have decided to go for golden pheasants I am getting a new coop for about six, but need to incubate them first
hoping for a couple of roosters.
I'm also looking at the Chinese jumbo quail if you have any experience of them let me know the do's and dont's, Cheers JACKO
I have 3 young pheasants. mother golden. father ringrick. all 3 males. will they fight to the death like normal ringnecks. they are in pen with 9 silky chickens. will they hurt silky chickens. Silky chicken hatched and raised these 3
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