Red light vs. White light


7 Years
Apr 24, 2012
Desert, S. CA
Read something on here after my first hatch that red light was more calming for chicks. So, my second hatch I bought a red light and I think it's totally true. These guys are almost always calm when I see them. Just FYI!
Red is more calming because they don't see it as day light. If there is a white light they think it is day time 24/7.
Red /White I've used them all.Really bright white/clear encourage picking.Red reduces picking (use it if thats a problem).White/clear thats not too bright or Red its a flip of a coin.Wattage and Temp are more important, I Think....cva34
I thought my brooder kit would come with a red bulb, but it didn't, it was white. I watched closely and they never picked on each other.
I've always used white. They only spend time under it for the first little bit. The light is usually off around 2 weeks. They only use it consistently the first couple days. After that, they run back for a quick warm-up and then back to playing in the rest of the brooder.
I've raised I don' t know how many hundreds of chicks over the years. Have used both red and white lights. Can't say that I've noticed a whit of difference between them so far as chick behavior has been concerned. If there is a problem with feather picking or cannibalism I'd first look to how crowded they are and then to the quality of their feed (particularly the protein quality) as being the likely culprits.
I've raised I don' t know how many hundreds of chicks over the years. Have used both red and white lights. Can't say that I've noticed a whit of difference between them so far as chick behavior has been concerned.
I agree. I have hatched and raised hundreds of chicks too and have used both red and white light and have had no problems with either light.

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