Red Orps ????


Poultry Princess
12 Years
Jul 16, 2008
North-West Georgia
I was curious if you could develope a dark red orpington and what you would start with to get there? I thought perhaps Buffs and maybe some RIR's would be a good start. What do you think? Any ideas on this?

I am alread planning a project to develope some Blue Laced birds that should be fun.
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Wow, Cyn, she's a beauty!!! I'll just bet that cross would do the trick if I took my time and went about it in the right way. I would love to see some of MissPrissy's birds!!! How exciting!
2manyhats, I LOVE orps too and think that we need more varieties of them
That's what I'm shooting for.
Meg came from some great quality birds of both breeds. She's a hefty lady, that's for certain. She has some very light black ticking in her hackles but you cant see it till you're holding her up close.
I heard dark RIR hens and a dark buff orpington rooster. You'll want to breed out the dark coloured feathers in the tail and wing flights that the RIR have. I think Cyns hen is a great start
Hey speckledhen!! what kinda hen is that black hen in your picture!! I have a ton of bantys that look just like her!!
I certainly cant take credit for Meg. Bama Chicken had some Buff Orpingtons in with her RIR rooster way back when she sent me some Blue Orp eggs and asked if I wanted some of her RIRs and RIR/Buff Orp eggs. Glad I said yes!
That black hen with Meg is one of my Poufy-Head sisters. Their mother was a Barred Rock and the father was a Cochin/Silkie cross. They're fantastic girls, all three of them. That one is Kate.

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