RedBro Freedom Rangers- 6 weeks old-PICTURES

I was thinking of doing half of mine at about that age. Can you let me know what they weigh? I'm hoping for 1 or 1.25 lbs dressed weight (so 50% more live?)
How much bigger are these that say a 'regular' chicken? Do you have any comparison pix? And how much smaller than Cornish Xs?
I dunno...I like the idea of the free rangers, but those are so darn cute that it would be hard for me to kill them!

Maybe I'll stick with the ugly, fat, white cornish x's!
Yes they can walk. They're very active actually. I took these pictures at dusk and after they had been eating all day, so they were a bit tired
Mine are very active. Love them.

They grow roughly 15% slower than a Cornish Cross. That's my guess at it, not based upon reseraching the breeders growth charts and such.
Do you mean 1-1.25 lbs. at 6 weeks? Or later? I understood they get up to about 5 lbs., at around 10-12 weeks, or earlier, (Greyfields, what do yours weigh, dressed, at 9 weeks?)

Anyway, those are amazing looking little birds! The ones at rest look like feathered basketballs with heads! I will definitely have to try some of those. (I still wanna do my experimental birds, I'm not going to stop that, but meanwhile, we still need to eat.)

Blue, are those red bros, those two big roos? How beautiful they are. How old are they?

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