Redpine Horse Stables ~ Horse RP

Paisley raced around the pasture, swerving back and forth, weaving around through the big girls flirtering with the boys. She was running get hardest, and then she saw the mud puddle, but it was too late. She was skidding into it and sprawled on all fours!

Mia was waiting patiently by the gate. It was about lesson time and oh how she loved giving lessons. The small children were sometimes confusing, but she knew what to do with them. Was that her human coming down the lane? Yes, I do believe so. Mia knickered softly to her. Her human always brought her a treat!
As Mia's human got her halter ready, she noticed Cherokee having a minor freak out moment. "Cherokee, just relax, the lead rope most certainly won't eat you. Once you figure out how it works, you're human will start training you even more, and then you might get to go to shows! Shows are the most fun , and if you win you get lots of treats and brushings! You also get to go make new friends. So, just relax and trust your human. He isn't going to do anything to hurt you."
As Mia's human got her halter ready, she noticed Cherokee having a minor freak out moment. "Cherokee, just relax, the lead rope most certainly won't eat you. Once you figure out how it works, you're human will start training you even more, and then you might get to go to shows! Shows are the most fun , and if you win you get lots of treats and brushings! You also get to go make new friends. So, just relax and trust your human. He isn't going to do anything to hurt you."
The young horse calmed down a little bit. His ears perked at the words treats,brushings and new friends. He stopped quivering and pinning his ears,but he still flinched slightly when the leather lead touched his coat. After a while the trainer gave him a pat and a rub. He gave him a thin slice of apple,sprinkled with brown sugar. Yum!
The young horse calmed down a little bit. His ears perked at the words treats,brushings and new friends. He stopped quivering and pinning his ears,but he still flinched slightly when the leather lead touched his coat. After a while the trainer gave him a pat and a rub. He gave him a thin slice of apple,sprinkled with brown sugar. Yum!
"No see. It's not so bad is it?"Storm said happily.
Paisley haphazardly crawled her way out of the mud. She was less than amused. Fortunately, Honor was still close enough that as she shook the mud off, he got a nice shower!

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