Redwood Incubators - Information, help, for sale and wanted

Any commercial hvac shop that does sheet metal bending can make the correct size humidity pan. I had one made for a farm master 1200 egg model for $30.He did a really nice job on it with riveted/soldered corners and the rim was rolled to avoid sharp edges...To set humidity,cover a portion of the pan with aluminum foil.....
Copper would be the way to build a pan, easy to solder, and the natural antimicrobial properties are free. Ever notice how you can see the coins in a public fountain? It's the copper and silver keeping the water clear.
Anyone tried a frogger or other ultrasonic humidity pump?

Yes, I used one specifically for my Leahy 624. It kept the humidity at a decent level for hatching. It was the only way I was able to bring the humidity up in that incubator. I also mist my eggs in the morning and at night for the last 4-5 days of hatching. It keeps the membranes of the eggs moist, especially during the hatching time.
Any commercial hvac shop that does sheet metal bending can make the correct size humidity pan. I had one made for a farm master 1200 egg model for $30.He did a really nice job on it with riveted/soldered corners and the rim was rolled to avoid sharp edges...To set humidity,cover a portion of the pan with aluminum foil.....

That's awesome, I am going garage selling ('garage selling' is a verb if you live in my area) this weekend and I will keep an eye out for metal, and plastic pans. Plastic bins, and containers are so useful in hatching. They are great to use as barriers against water, or other chicks, while the babies are hatching. And can be sanitized in the dishwasher!
Woulda anyone think I was crazy if I wanted to sell my 600 egg farm master to buy another sportsman?
@Bresseman: I think so.
Just bought a buckeye kerosene fired incubator, with a catalog and the manual.
I have a turners in my farm masters :D
I just hatch out a fraction of what mine can hold so in one of the Farm masters I have a hovabator turner in each try and pulled the bottom 2 trays and put in a clear plastic tote to hatch in. works like a champ and currently ahve duck eggs in it which you do not want the turners/upright eggs. So it is easy to pull them out or put in.
Only reason I have them in is because I had 2 of the hovabators with turners before I found my first Farm master so I just used them in the Redwood rather then the Styrofoam crap.
Les any one know of a source for a burner or chimney for buckeye incubators? Or have you used a gas burner from something else with good results?
And now I'm searching for an instruction or operators manual for the early Buckeye incubators.

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