Rehoming - where to list?


5 Years
Apr 19, 2019
Bishop Hill, Illinois
I give up.

I've decided both my grey Silkie Rooster and the EE cockerel need to go. 16 teen girls isn't enough with these bois, and a bachelor run is not feasible right now. :barnie:he

I've listed on Craigslist. I'm going to print a flyer for the post office too. Any other suggestions of where to post notices?

I'm in west central Illinois, Henry County.
Maybe you could post in some local chicken facebook groups? Or try your state thread?
Facebook market place has banned all animal sales, which is weird as I've seen farm animal there before.

I can reply on the thread but haven't figured out how to start a new post on the state forum. 🙄 I know, user error, lol.
Facebook market place has banned all animal sales, which is weird as I've seen farm animal there before.

I can reply on the thread but haven't figured out how to start a new post on the state forum. 🙄 I know, user error, lol.
You can link to a Kijiji or CL ad on FB, or within a chicken group, create a post that you have the boys looking for a new home and to contact you if interested. FB won’t allow a marketplace ad for live animals but they’re not as stringent on posts within groups. :) That’s how I’ve done all of mine, and haven’t had any issues with FB censorship. (Yet.)
Facebook market place has banned all animal sales, which is weird as I've seen farm animal there before.
Don't use FB market's beyond local anyway.
Even in groups you have to be careful and creative.
Many make a jpg so text is missed by algorithms.

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