Reintegration by supervised visits ?

Success !!!!!

Penny went without hesitation to the coop and mounted a roost at sundown yesterday.
I found it interesting that she took her exact old position without even a glance around. Lillie did try a jump to that roost to start some trouble, but misjudged the diagonal jump and landed on the floor
So she just jumped back up on the other roost in her normal position and no further interest. Then Tweedie came in and was pouty that Penny was now in her favorite spot - she pecked her several times, shoved her sideways, then gave up and let her stay right next to her. Penny was a brave little gal and held her place but did some loud squawking even tho she was not getting hurt :) Road Runner came in last and just took her position without any interest except getting settled for the night.

I was really worried about the awakening and what that might bring, been up way too early with nerves. Ready for intervention, but none was needed. They all just came down from the coop and are doing the normal morning chicken things
and Penny is one of the flock again!

Thanks so much to all who gave this attention for your luck wishes, tips and encouragement.

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