Reintegration length of time and techniques?


Dec 5, 2021
Our largest, 2 year girl had to come inside for about 7 days. She had a tubing process at the vet to remove an impaction/blockage.
She's doing great now, but the first hour she was reintroduced to the flock she beat up the head hen, then was immediately put back in her place and is at the bottom of the hierarchy where she was before surgery.
It's been about four days and she's not eating with the others and staying away from them other than bathes and roosting. They're mildly bullying her, but maybe only a bit more than before she got sick.
She is eating - we keep checking her crop to make sure it empties and fills with appropriate matter, but I suspect it's more grass from free range than getting layer feed.

Are there any techniques or an amount of time it typically takes for a hen to reintegrate? They're an incredibly close flock of all sisters and a brooder mom.

She's also now seems terrified of my husband and I (minus treat time). I usually do a few hand feeding of greens throughout the day, and she won't participate even if I leave the greens separately hung up for her. Maybe her gut biota is still off - but she is having probiotic yogurt.

Thank you!
Since she's already been back with them for several days and she's always been the lowest anyway, I don't think there is much more you can do, other than multiple feeding stations so she can get her fair share. If it turns into actual attacks, that's different, then you can try isolating the bully. Just give her time with the hand feeding, try something really enticing, like blueberries or mealworms.

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