Reintroducing Isolated Hen


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 22, 2010
I've had to isolate one of my hens since Sunday for a prolapsed vent. Each day I brought her out to visit in a kennel so the other chickens wouldn't "forget" her, but I think I screwed up today when I let her out because now a couple of my hens (I have 8 hens total; no rooster) are chasing and pecking her.

Am I "done" for today? Since now they have it in their heads that she's an outsider so I should wait until tomorrow to start the process over? Or have I even screwed it up permanently???

Please help...

You could try putting her back in the coop when every one is roosting and it is nearly dark.

I read about this on this site when I had to reintroduce a chicken and the first attempt,like yours, did not go well. I was kind of wary, because I felt I had to be outside to make sure everyone was getting along first thing in the morning. When I checked in the morning, they were already awake and acting like the chicken had never left. The theory is that this reduces the confrontation involved in the reintroduction.

Another option is to place her in the coop or coop run inside a pet carrier or fashion some kind of barrier where they can see each other and not peck.
I am so glad to know that worked for you to put her in at night because the early morning is *exactly* what I am worried about. I can't get out there until a little after 6, and who knows how long they will have been up by then. I'll try it. Fingers crossed! :)

Thank you!!


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