Reintroducing rooster- how can I stop them fighting


In the Brooder
May 19, 2024
Hey so essentially my rooster got sick and I separated him put him on some antibiotics, he's gotten much better now.

I let him go back to the flock where he started fighting with the other rooster?
These guys have never fought ever to my knowledge, I let him out and they start brawling straight away. Neither got injured luckily I got to them almost straight away, And the other rooster is a bit younger even tho he's younger he's not tiny he's smaller than him but he's still big about 3kg id say (have not weighed him). I thought he was done for tbh he's a leghorn rooster and the other dude is a gamebird, should I let them fight it out?
I don't know if either of them are willing to back off and let the other walk away I'm 100% they would bloody each other if I leave them be. Also they do have plenty of space to run off to and sick rooster is back to his peak condition so nothing to worry about in that sense.
Did I make a mistake? he was doing better after like 5 days of separation but I left him there for extra few days as a precaution should I not have done that? Just so I know for the future?

I'm just puzzled on if its possible for them to make up again

Thank you!
Sometimes fighting roosters can develop a peaceful coexistence. Generally it does not end well especially if the one is a game fowl.
I see i read a few other threads and it's looking like that way, but they lived together before have they forgotten each other?
Once the dominant rooster was removed, the younger bird took over. He does not want to relinquish his position. It's all about whose DNA gets to carry on.
Once the dominant rooster was removed, the younger bird took over. He does not want to relinquish his position. It's all about whose DNA gets to carry on.
Ah I see fair play. The rooster separated wasn't the most dominant in the flock that's a diff rooster but this rooster was more dominant than the leghorn makes sense, so am I to get rid of the rooster? Keep them separated? Since there's no getting them to live together
they don't call it cockfighting for nothing. I would get rid of one of them. Your choice. There is a strong possibility, that they could seriously injure each other. Some people let them duke it out, winner takes all. I just don't like the strife, and it upsets the other birds, even though they are not in the fight.

Separating birds almost always causes problems. And it is always tough to get them back into the flock. Not just roosters, hens or chicks can have this serious problem. They do forget each other quickly, within a few days.

Mrs K
they don't call it cockfighting for nothing. I would get rid of one of them. Your choice. There is a strong possibility, that they could seriously injure each other. Some people let them duke it out, winner takes all. I just don't like the strife, and it upsets the other birds, even though they are not in the fight.

Separating birds almost always causes problems. And it is always tough to get them back into the flock. Not just roosters, hens or chicks can have this serious problem. They do forget each other quickly, within a few days.

Mrs K
With hens I find it much easier to get them back into the flock. Rooster was a first for me and from what iev seen so far it's highly unlikely they're gone be in the same flock again. It's just really unfortunate.

Thanks for you reply!! 😊

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