Remember Puff?Question about feathers at bottom of page


12 Years
Jan 9, 2008
Washburn, MO
I posted a pic of Puff (Red Silkie Bantum) when I was looking for names for my Bantums.

This was then


This is now:


He STILL won't hold still long enough to get a good pic!
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Yeah, he's at that akward stage where he has part baby fuzz and part grown up feathers. I guess with him it's even worse, because being a Silkie, he's also starting to get his adult fuzz!
I don't know if it's normal that he has regular looking feathers and is only now starting to fluff out. Most of the pics I've seen on here, they seem to fluff out all over at the same time?
(or are people just posting the super-cute, all done and pretty pics?)
I was so worried about him and the other 2 bantys last night because I just put them back out in the coop yesterday after they have been in the house since the dog incident last Thursday. (Tuesday was my first day off, chance to fix coop)
I realized AFTER I put them out that it was supposed to go down into the low 30! So I trundled out a couple hundred feet of extension cord and put a heat lamp in with them. I wasn't so worried about the other 6 becasue they are a couple weeks older and have all their feathers, as do the other 2 Banties (Buff Laced Seabrights)
I actually went out there when I woke up around 2am (night shirt an d rubber boots, hope the neighbors were asleep!) because I couldn't see them from my window (I keep binoculars on the sill) hey were all cuddled up together under the light, on the ground, rather than on the roost, which is why I couldn't see them.
It was 27 when I got up and I went to check again and they were just fine, starting to move around and head for breakfast.

Am I hooked or what?

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