REMINDER to parents of young ones...

one of my friends has a teenaged boy who has 'unfriended' her... which means she can't see what goes on on his FB page. She sent out an appeal for all her friends to convince him to re 'friend' her... I said she should take away his internet, until he agrees, since SHE IS THE BOSS> She replied that she doesn't want to be a control freak.... um.... it's called a PARENT.

I wish I had more parents like you for my students! You are being a great mom!
Keep your chin up!
chickensducks&agoose :

one of my friends has a teenaged boy who has 'unfriended' her... which means she can't see what goes on on his FB page. She sent out an appeal for all her friends to convince him to re 'friend' her... I said she should take away his internet, until he agrees, since SHE IS THE BOSS> She replied that she doesn't want to be a control freak.... um.... it's called a PARENT.

People like that drive me CRAZY.

That kid has NO respect for his parent.. none.
OOh well.. its her problem...
ha my kids dont care to use the internet I dont think my kids have ever been on the internet here in the house I do have friends however that let there 7 and 8 year olds have their own facebook accounts I think its sad.
nor will they ever have a cell phone unless its one of those ones where they have only 3 or 4 numbers that you can program into it and thats all.
Kids really dont need this stuff - I know I had none of it growing up and I am sorta ok lol.
I am sure the day will come when they will want all this stuff. But i am firm in the rules for that. No computers in their rooms - they are out where anyone who happens to be in the house can see them.
The only thing that my kids have is an IPOD which my son got for his birthday from his nan and pop across the country. (much to my disgust but i set rules out for that to)
But having dial up kinda puts a real limit as to what goes on it .....and so far its not a whole lot. just some pre-approved music from mom.

Living out in the toolies has some advantages lol - even if my kids did have cell phones it is very rare for any cell phone to actually work here at the house.
Dial up makes using the internet a pain lol. you cant download music movies or pictures unless you wait for a few hours lmao and seriously what kid has the patience for that.
My daughter didnt have access to the internet for two years because she decided not to listen to me about internet safety. Nothing happened, but it well COULD have with the idiot things she was doing.

Sigh, I guess I am paranoid but she is 17 now and only has supervised access. She wanted facebook, the deal was I had to be on her "friends".
She will be 18 soon and into her last year of high school. Hopefully I have instilled some common sense while I still have a "say".....

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