Removing Cockerels or not?


5 Years
Jul 18, 2014
Galt, CA
I have 4 cockerels and 7 pullets; they are all 4 month old sizzle chicks. I have a 10 x 13 x 10 enclosed coop for them all. I allow them to have supervised free range 2-3x daily. At what age should I seperate the cockerels? I have another coop they can stay in at night and then free range during the day. Should I leave 1 of the cockerels in with the pullets for additional protection when they free range? Once I seperate them will they be able to still free range all together without fighting?
Are you going to keep all the cockerels? You can separate them at any age. I wouldn't let them free range together again after the separation. Its is your call on leaving one in, you know what the predator situation is in your area.
What are your goals? What are your plans for those cockerels? With my goals three of those cockerels would be on the supper table in the next month or so. You might not want me to tell you what I think you should do.

Separating them where they sleep in different places at night but letting them range together during the day is not separating them. Separating them is where they don’t come into contact with the pullets or maybe each other forever. Once they are truly separated you cannot put them back together without some fighting and quite possibly serious fighting, especially if pullets or hens are present.

At four months they should start to sort out flock dominance pretty soon. They may have already done that and you didn’t notice but as they continue to mature there will probably be more challenges and possible changes of dominance. Often cockerels raised together sort things out without a lot of drama. But each one is different. Sometimes there are fights to the death. You don’t get guarantees with living animals. Keeping them together is no guarantee they won’t fight.

There is a lot of differing opinion on how much having a rooster with the flock improves security. Most roosters will check out potential danger. Most roosters will be on the lookout for threats, especially from the air. From what I’ve seen a rooster is more likely to lead his hens to safety instead of putting himself between them and danger once a true threat has been identified, but occasionally a rooster will attack a predator and maybe sacrifice himself. Again they are living animals. You don’t know what they will do until they do it.

If you wish you can leave one with the pullets. It won’t hurt. It may even help. They are each unique. No one can tell you how much it might help.
well, i would try to keep just ONE. but if your like me, and get attached to many easily, try 3. in the case of female betta's, it will divide up the agression. astwo continue to fight, the one left out will seperate them and conquer to assert her individual leadership. It might work with roosters....?? XD i dont see a reason not to try. the only issue is it has to be odd numbers so theres allways a step in to break up a more serious one and drop him down. so bye bye to your least favorite! that is if u like the betta fish idea lol

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