Renewed crazy chicken lady here šŸ˜


In the Brooder
May 21, 2021
I had chickens about 10 years ago but got into them again early last year. I started with 12 Bovan brown and 3 bantam chicks. I have since added 4 Lavender Orpington hens and 1 rooster and recently acquired 3 Ameracauna(spelling?)hens and rooster. I have hatched out several chickens since then. Traded some and processed some. I like dual purpose breeds also. I have an adult disabled daughter who loves to watch the chickens from her bed through the window. She's another reason I hot back into chicks. I am always looking to do diy stuff for the chickens to save money and have fun. I have been following this group awhile and glad I finally joined.
Welcome to BYC, so glad your daughter is able to enjoy the chickens through the window.

I joined the flock years ago because a lady on the senior bus was called the "Chicken Lady,"

She has had one or more chickens as house chickens for over 25 years. Usually silkies, because she could let them in the yard and they didn't fly away. Then she also got a couple Seramas who could fly very well, so she wouldn't let them out of the house.

Sadly the silkie brought in Marek's disease probably from wild birds in the yard, she died a day later, then the two serama hens a day apart.

Her dog was very fond of the chickens and when they passed away he was searching the house for them. He would keep cats out of the yard when the silkies were out.

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