Reptile cage for brooder?

Nestled Chickens

12 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Pacific Northwest

I'm getting chicks for the first time today and instead of buying a bunch of supplies, I would like to use what I have on hand. My husband used to have snakes (many kinds, many sizes) and we have all sorts of glass reptile terrariums, heating rocks, etc. Has anyone ever used this kind of a thing for a brooder?

I have seen postings here from several people who used glass aquariums for brooders. They enjoyed watching the chicks through the glass. You'd probably just need to make sure they were cleaned really well so you don't mix snake germs with chicken germs. (Who knows what you'd come up with!
I read that sometimes chicks can smother eachother in the corners...but maybe if you made sure the corners were rounded by puting something in it then that works

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