Requesting advice


May 8, 2017
Hi, I am looking for advice on breed and number of chickens to get. We have a coop that is 4x8 ft. And a pen attached to it that is 12x7 ft. We live in central WI and would like the chickens to be cold hardy, good layers and like to be picked up and held. We won't be having heat or light in the coop. Thanks!
Buff Orpingtons, and Barred Rocks are the friendliest, and most cold hardy breeds I know.

The number of hens depends on the number of people in your family, how often you eat eggs, and the coop's size.

Your coop is 32 sq feet inside, you could fit 8 hens comfortably, more if you decide in bantams, but they're generally flighty, and not cold hardy at all
Hi and welcome to BYC - you have some good advice. You can also check out the Breeds section (tab in brown and top of page)

All the best
Black Australorps are very good layers and a hardy breed. As a rule chickens can handle cold much better than heat.

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