Rescued duckling has bad lacerations on its neck


10 Years
Sep 23, 2012
Lakeland, Florida


9 Years
Just rescued 5 ducklings, this one is clearly smaller than the other four although I was told it hatched the same day. it has a severe laceration around its neck it almost goes around this whole neck. I'm going to try to upload a video so you can see his behavior, it's almost like it's itching him and you can see him just trying to get trying to it and it's making it worse. The owners of these ducklings didn't even mention the fact that this duck had the lacerations I didn't notice until I got home. so I have no backstory on what happened or you know it started and got bigger. Do I just do Vetracycin or will need antibiotics as well. Suggestions on how to keep it from agitating it further.
Keep using the vetericyn on that wound. How does it look? not infected? You could put a boot on the foot to keep the duckling from scratching that and making it worse. probably itches just like when we have a wound healing so keeping it from scratching it would be best. Warm saline rinse over it might help too. Help healing.
Bless you for rescuing these ducklings.
To make a boot you can use a piece of plastic container cut to foot size wrap with vet wrap place foot onto it and wrap up past the ankle to keep the shoe on. Or they make shoes for poultry also.
I agree with the saline flushes -- you could use a 10ml syringe [I got one from a pet supermarket] to flush the wound with warm saline. I tablespoon salt in 2 cups boiled and cooled water. Vetericyn spray afterwards. Miss Lydia's boot suggestion is a good one. The duckling seems lively and I hope it will heal and do well with your tender loving care

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