"Resting" a chicken. how long does it usually take?


7 Years
Apr 25, 2012
Washington Co. AL
We are processing a few culls and then our cornish X. how do you rest them and how long does it take? most of ours before were just boiled whole and used in casserole or something similar. we are planning to process about 15 at once now and need to know how long to wait before freezing them, and where to keep them to "rest". in the refrigerator, cooler on ice, on the counter covered? what is the quickest way since our fridge has limited space.
Chill in ice water to bring the temp of the carcass down to 40 degrees or less as quickly as possible, place in whatever storage medium you plan to use, and let rest for 48 hours in the fridge.

That's what we do, anyway.
Mine go on ice until cold. Then shrink bags and into the freezer. When I thaw I do it in the fridge over 4-5 days. They have always been nice and loose when I cook 'em.
Good luck
Just saying what works for me.
Not sure the rigor process is stopped by freezing? Or that it doesn't continue during and after the thawing process? According to many extension write ups, they recommend freezing after cooling to 40 f. Not resting in a fridge. If your fridge is not @ 35 f you could encourage bacteria growth for that period prior to freezing.
Like I said, this process works for me. I do sell my birds and have heard no complaints.

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