Review: Nature's Hatchery


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Sep 25, 2007
Almost three weeks ago, we received our chicks from Nature's Hatchery (NH).

been wanting to post about the awesome experience I had with them since we got our chicks, but this is the first opportunity I've had.

First off, they have an awesome website. User friendly, easy to navigate, lots of great pics. The minimum order is 15, and I only wanted a few pretty pullets for my layer pen...something to spruce it up a bit in there! So I got together with two other BYCers that are not far from me (Heidi and Shelleyb1969) and we combined an order. We ended up ordering I think 7 different breeds! NH was great about it, and there was no minimum number of each breed, which rocked!! The Customer Service person who helped me with the order was Reeve O'Neill. He returned my e-mail quickly, reiterating what I wanted, and let me know the soonest that all of our requested breeds would be hatching at the same time. We placed our order, paid via PayPal, and all was set.

Oh, super important to me was that they offered Marek's vaccine, which we got for all the chicks.

The chicks hatched on a Wednesday and we received them at 6 a.m. on Friday. Included were 8 little, fuzzy, yellow packing peanuts for warmth. All of the chicks were extremely active & healthy, and continue to be today at 3 weeks of age. All are thriving!

OH, I should post the breeds we got, I guess: EE, Orloff, Exechuer (sp?) Leghorn, Isa Brown, Lt. Brahma, NN.

Anyway, the entire experience was awesome, and I highly recommend NH!!
I was waiting to see your review, since you told me you guys placed an order with them.
Now I know for future reference. I went in on the order with Opa, and a bunch of others from Estes, and that went very well also. So that's two hatcheries to add to my list now. If you guys place an order with them again, please let me know. I may go in too.

Thanks Wynette

Oh great! I have an order in with them that I want to have delivered near the end of May. Just waiting for an anticipated ship date...
Ive been thinkin bout getting some birds from them but it would be more expensive since im instate and would have to pay taxes. I may get my grandpa some chicks from there and pick them up at the PO there. The people are really nice there.
RRR, get in touch with shelleyb1969 on the Orloffs; she was the one that ordered them. I believe she said the spangling wasn't great, but I'm unsure whether you'd ever get super good quality from a hatchery. We ordered just for a pretty combo. of layers, to be honest, and didn't want to commit to a full hatch we did on our own. THey are all super healthy, still doing great!
NICE! Thanks for the user, I'll PM her. I just want to be sure that the Orloffs look like Orloffs and not some freakish half naked chicken with cross beaks.

I am so glad to hear that they are doing great! The more I hear about Natures Hatchery the more I am positive I want to place an order with them.

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