Revisit question: how to get young pullets to use nest boxes ?????

Hahaha Oh well maybe next time.
Pick the eggs up from where you find them and place then in the nest box. You can leave them there for a day or two...maybe longer depending on how hot it is in your area.
i put the one i found yesterday in one of the boxes and i will see what i have when i get home today from work.
Thank you everyone for the creative solutions. Went to Home Depot today to pick up supplies to block off the roost area, got home, opened the nest boxes, and there were two white eggs inside!
So just as the trick of getting them to lay is to go buy a dozen eggs, the secret trick to getting them to use the box is to go buy plywood to block a section of the coop off! :)
I'm so happy she finally used the box.
Thank you everyone for the creative solutions. Went to Home Depot today to pick up supplies to block off the roost area, got home, opened the nest boxes, and there were two white eggs inside!
So just as the trick of getting them to lay is to go buy a dozen eggs, the secret trick to getting them to use the box is to go buy plywood to block a section of the coop off!

I'm so happy she finally used the box.
Hip Hip Hurray!!!!

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