revisiting feather sexing

I watched Dirty Jobs and they was showing how they sex chicks wellll it was pretty gross. They had a coffee can and would squeeze the poop out and look at it if there was a bump it was a male no bump meant it was a girl. Dirty but somebody has to do it:sick.. I hear they make goooood mola. Just like squeezing a pimple but geting paid. I think right now with only $20.00 I would stare at chicks fluffy stuffy all day..
Then if this pertains only to purebred chicks, my 6 chicks are from the GLW rooster and a BO mama. Well one is from the red sexlink. The chicks were 2 weeks old yesterday. I noticed this morning the larger 2 chicks that have darker bars on the wings are already feathering in, while the other more buff colored ones are still fluffy. Would that have anything to do with the sex of each?

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