Revolutionary method to watering!

Linda V

Jul 11, 2016
Southern Granville County, NC
First time starting a new subject on BYC, but this must be shared!

After being a "slave' to my watering method, I finally couldn't take it anymore so I went on the web and put in "top-rated chicken watering system" and found something I never heard of before! Not cheap, but I found it on Ebay for the lowest price on the web so it will arrive at my house later on this week!

I'll let you figure out the rest, but we are going to attach this amazing "device" to an insulated 2-gallon, cooler as we only have two hens.

Can't wait to finally throw away that nightmare of a watering station I've been fighting for the past 11 months of being a bird owner!

Here is the link to their website so you may read all they share AND see the video too! Shop around if you want a better price because the money goes to BriteTap anyway! :)

We will put ice water in this during the hot months and warm to tepid during the winter. Don't forget to see how you can save more $ by using a cheap "hack" to keep algae from growing in the device too!

Abigail and Henrietta are going to love this watering system!

Happy watering ya'll!

Henrietta & Abigail's mom....Linda!

June 2017

s-l1600 (2).jpg

I'm going to be using an automatic, home built system with a float valve tank and water nipples, as the water is drunk by the chooks, the float valve will refill the tank so I don't have to go check the water level every day.

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