Rhode Island Red or Barred rock


6 Years
Mar 4, 2018
Mansfield, TX
I’ve decided to go with either one for rooster breed. I like the looks or the barred rock better, but I like that if bred to my hens; the RIR will probably contribute for a bigger egg size. Not sure what’s more important, looks of the barred rock or the slight chance of the bigger egg contribution quality.
I don’t like that I keep reading that there is a good chance the RIR might end up being a jerk. Had a BCM that would chase everyone, in the past, and had to end up eating him.
I’ve read that both will do good in the Texas heat and will both forage pretty decently.

I haven’t seen either or in person, but if anyone has pictures of either Roo that they’d like to share, feel free to send it. :)

In your experience, how have you like your BR or/and your RIR?
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I would recommend the Barred Rock for sure.

Every BR too I’ve had has been a sweetheart. And I’ve had at least 4 throughout the years.

BR vs RIR egg size is almost exactly the same. There won’t be a noticeable difference, IMO.

BR roos will also cause sex-linked chicks (I believe!), so it’ll be easy to sex them as day old chicks! (@MysteryChicken, can you confirm please?)

ETA: Photos of my BR roo last year.


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I would recommend the Barred Rock for sure.

Every BR too I’ve had has been a sweetheart. And I’ve had at least 4 throughout the years.

BR vs RIR egg size is almost exactly the same. There won’t be a noticeable difference, IMO.

BR roos will also cause sex-linked chicks (I believe!), so it’ll be easy to sex them as day old chicks! (@MysteryChicken, can you confirm please?)

ETA: Photos of my BR roo last year.
View attachment 3177084
It works the opposite way. Barred Rock hen mates to solid colored rooster produces only Barred males, & solid(Non barred females)

Male Barred Rock bred to solid females produces 100% barred offspring. Non are sexlinked.

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