Rhode Island Red - Possible Kinky Back


7 Years
Jan 12, 2013
My Rhode Island Red is 3.5 years old and suddenly not walking. We have checked everything we can online and have come to think that it is kinky back. Is there anything we can do to help her? She struggles so much and I have to bathe her twice a day... I don't see her improving (just saw something about adding more protein so she just dined on some dog food). Is there anything else I can try? (This is post bath)
Kinky Back a 091917.jpg
Nope, no new birds in 3 years and no other birds within close to a mile. I've read quite a bit and she really acts like other that have had kinky back.
Birds can be infected with Mareks when young and they carry it their whole life. Wild birds and the wind can bring in Mareks. It has the classic Mareks pose of one foot forward and one back.

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